I.T. Alliance Blog

News, Insights and Updates.

The Grinch Was Right…

If you’ve ever read the much loved Dr Seuss book you will know that the main messages centred around the perceived hollowness and commercialisation of the Christmas season and also the huge amount of waste that modern society casts aside once their passing fancies have been fulfilled. You would also know, therefore, that it all culminates…

Cloud Is Business, Not Technology

Cloud – That great catch-all to solve all IT problems in the future.  Or so many IT companies & departments would have you believe.  But is that really the case?  Of course, it can address some imminent challenges that companies face, such as replacing aging hardware infrastructure or placing a ‘cost-per-user’ model onto your email…

Tech Evolution & Workforce Impact

I am writing this from our office in Sheffield.  But I could easily be writing this from our Dublin HQ, from home… even at a local coffee shop.  Or a non-local one.  I have made notes for this article using my mobile phone and tablet – both of which synchronise up to the cloud so…